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They just do not seem to show any interest, if the females I have known are any indication. I suspect for the most part Engineering will remain a male bastion. Just as pure wild speculation, wouldn't driving men out likely accelerate the impending college bubble collapse ?It is quite possible this will spell the end of credation as a credible indicator of high value marriage material. Women go where the guys are. If men, especially desirable men, cease going to college women will start looking elsewhere. How much longer before college student is seen as a DLV in men?Yeah, the gal's relentless long years in the lab, and fanatical singleminded pursuit for the cure for cancer or whatever is a sure thing. Just ask Elizabeth Holmes of Theranus. And what percentage of the males who are left are or otherwise ineligible as mates?Foreign, etc. Educational collapse may come much sooner than I'd hoped. Elizabeth Holmes says some blindingly stupid shit that people on LinkedIn eat up because she's a LinkedIn influencer and wears black turtlenecks. I am now encouraging the younger people I know to avoid college if they're not pursuing a degree that leads directly to a license or certification.

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We weren't growing very fast, but we were making money. THEN. 911 hit. Suddenly, nobody wanted to open envelopes. Our leads were dropping to nothing. We were heading toward our own disaster like so many other companies did. I knew I needed to promote, but what good did it do if nobody read it!I was talking to the owner of the mailing house and he suggested the use of POSTCARDS instead of letters. So we decided to give it a try. Unfortunately, I had much less money to allocate towards promotion, so I started by sending about 20,000 postcards weekly. The total cost per piece, needing only one day on the presses, half the labor at the mail house and a substantial decrease in postage, was reduced by about 60%. Joy Gendusa founded PostcardMania in 1998; her only assets a computer and a phone.

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Students should not translate idioms and the like literally, but rather in a way that shows that they understand their meaning. Students answer questions in the target language based on their understanding of the reading passage. The questions are sequenced so that the first group of questions asks for information contained within the reading passage. Students are given one set of words and are asked to find antonyms in the reading passage. Students could also be asked to find synonyms for a particular set of words. Students might be asked to define a set of words based on their understanding of them as they occur in the reading passage.

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Since you are spending money when you are watching a movie of course you are expecting to be amazed or at least to be entertained. You are not spending money just to feel bad or to feel sad. There are lots of hardships in life. So it means that you want your money to be worth it. If it won?t be worth it why bother yourself in going to the movie house?Movie reviews are good option to know on whether what kind of movie is good to watch. Although there are lots of opinions in movie reviews it is still important because you can see the overall impact of the movie to its critics. Movie reviews is a good way for you to know the main story of the film. This won?t exactly state the plot of the story as this will only help you on what to expect in the film you selected. Whether if its drama, action, or comedy. You can also get information about the movie, whether it is a true story or based upon a book. With a good movie reviews at hand you can examine the quality of a certain film.

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